\n" ; } if ( !empty( $strEmailCc ) ) { $m_strHeadersEmail .= "Cc: " . $strEmailCc . "\n" ; } if ( !empty( $strEmailBcc ) ) { $m_strHeadersEmail .= "Bcc: ". $strEmailBcc ."\n" ; } $m_strHeadersEmail .= "Mime-Version: 1.0\n" ; if($strModeHtml !== false) { $m_strHeadersEmail .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=tis-620\n" ; } else { $m_strHeadersEmail .= "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=tis-620\n" ; } $m_strHeadersEmail .= "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n" ; # End Build Headers Email return $m_strHeadersEmail ; } # function send mail function sendMail( $strEmailTo, $strEmailSubject, $strEmailMessage, $strEmailHeaders ) { $strEmailSubject = EncodeHeader($strEmailSubject) ; if( mail( $strEmailTo, $strEmailSubject, $strEmailMessage, $strEmailHeaders ) ) { return true ; } else { return false ; } } function createEmailReadySend($arrTemplate,$arrFormValue) { global $cfg ; ### เช็คการส่ง email ที่ซ้ำ ให้ส่งแค่ครั้งเดียว กรณี ที่ reseller เป็น jotdomain ### $strEmailResell =$arrFormValue["EmailReseller"] ; $arrEmail["EmailReseller"] =$strEmailResell ; $arrEmail["EmailBcc"]=$cfg["MailBcc"] ; $arrEmailBccResell=array_unique($arrEmail) ; $strEmailBcc=$arrEmailBccResell["EmailBcc"] ; $strEmailReseller=$arrEmailBccResell["EmailReseller"] ; if ( (!empty($strEmailBcc)) && (!empty($strEmailReseller)) ) { $strEmailBccReseller=$strEmailBcc.",".$strEmailReseller ; } else { if($strEmailBcc !="") { $strEmailBccReseller=$strEmailBcc ; } else { $strEmailBccReseller=$strEmailReseller ; } } ################################################### if(is_array($arrTemplate) && is_array($arrFormValue) ) { $strMessageMail = $arrTemplate["mail_message"] ; $strSubjectMail = $arrTemplate["mail_subject"] ; $strSenderMail = $arrTemplate["mail_sender"] ; $strMailTo = $arrTemplate["mail_to"] ; $strMailCc = $arrTemplate["mail_cc"] ; $strMailBcc = $strEmailBccReseller ; $strEmailSubject = createEmailMessage( $strSubjectMail, $arrFormValue,"\n" ); $strEmailFrom = createEmailMessage( $strSenderMail, $arrFormValue,"\n" ); $strEmailCc = createEmailMessage( $strMailCc, $arrFormValue,"\n" ); //$strEmailBcc = createEmailMessage( $strMailBcc, $arrFormValue,"\n" ); $strEmailBcc = $strEmailBccReseller ; //$strEmailReturn = $cfg["MailReturnPath"] ; $strEmailReturn =$arrTemplate["mail_returnpath"] ; // edit by pui ให้ return email ไปหาเจ้าของ reseller แต่ละคน $strEmailTo = createEmailMessage( $strMailTo, $arrFormValue,"\n" ) ; $strEmailMessage = createEmailMessage( $strMessageMail, $arrFormValue,"\n" ); $strEmailHeaders = createEmailHeaders( $strEmailFrom, $strEmailCc, $strEmailBcc, $strEmailReturn); // echo "To=>$strEmailTo
" ; //echo "$strEmailSubject
" ; sendMail( $strEmailTo, $strEmailSubject, $strEmailMessage, $strEmailHeaders ) ; } return false ; } /******************************************************** * @function getValueMailNewOrder : gen arrFormValue คืนค่าเป็น array รายละเอียดของโดเมน * param : $arrOrderID : array order id * return : $arrFormValue : array ********************************************************/ function getValueMailNewOrder($arrOrderID) { global $conn ,$cfg ,$objOrderManage,$_SESSION ; //$strChildID=$_SESSION["sess_profile"]["UserID"] ; $strChildID=$_SESSION["sess_profile"]["ChildID"] ; if(!empty($arrOrderID)) { for($i=0;$iExecute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { $DomainID[$i] = $recordset->fields["DomainID"] ; $parent_id = $recordset->fields["parent_id"] ; ### add by pui 28/07/2548 $user_id = $recordset->fields["user_id"] ; $Status = $recordset->fields["Status"] ; $VAT = $recordset->fields["VAT"] ; $Type = $recordset->fields["Type"] ; $Date = $recordset->fields["Date"] ; $DomainName[$i] = $recordset->fields["DomainName"] ; $DomainPeriod[$i] = $recordset->fields["DomainPeriod"] ; $DateStart = $recordset->fields["DateStart"] ; $DateExpire = $recordset->fields["DateExpire"] ; $Password = $recordset->fields["Password"] ; $RegistrantID = $recordset->fields["RegistrantID"] ; $AdminID = $recordset->fields["AdminID"] ; $TechID = $recordset->fields["TechID"] ; $AuxBillingID = $recordset->fields["AuxBillingID"] ; $DNSID = $recordset->fields["DNSID"] ; $ProfileID = $recordset->fields["ProfileID"] ; $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; $user_name = $recordset->fields["user_name"] ; $pass_word = $recordset->fields["pass_word"] ; }else { return false ; } }else { return false ; } }//end for //======== add by pui 21/07/2004============// if (($strChildID=="0") || ($strChildID=="")) { $strChildID="1" ; } $sqlSelect="SELECT * FROM cp_parentchild pr INNER JOIN cp_profile p ON pr.profile_id=p.ProfileID WHERE pr.user_id='$strChildID' " ; $arrPerApprove = getRow($sqlSelect) ; // $arrFormValue["FirstNameApprove"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["FirstNameApprove"]="" ; $arrFormValue["EmailReseller"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; //=======================================// $strList = ""; $priceSum = 0 ; for($j=0; $jSelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$ProfileID' AND profile_type='Profile' ") ; $arrProfile = getRow($strSQLProfile) ; $strSQLRegistrant = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$RegistrantID' AND profile_type='Registrant' ") ; $arrRegistrant = getRow( $strSQLRegistrant) ;// function getrow in file inc.global.php $strSQLAdmin = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$AdminID' AND profile_type='Admin' ") ; $arrAdmin=getRow( $strSQLAdmin) ; $strSQLTech = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$TechID' AND profile_type='Tech' ") ; $arrTech=getRow( $strSQLTech) ; $strSQLAuxBilling = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table," ProfileID = '$AuxBillingID' AND profile_type='AuxBilling' ") ; $arrAuxBilling =getRow( $strSQLAuxBilling) ; $arrFormValue["ListDetailOrder"] = "$strList" ; $arrFormValue["PriceTotal"] = number_format($priceTotal,2) ; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $strDomainName ; $arrFormValue["VAT"] = $strVAT ; $arrFormValue["pwdDomain"] = $Password ; $arrFormValue["yearDomain"] = $DomainPeriod[0] ; $arrFormValue["username"] = $user_name ; $arrFormValue["pwdAccount"] = $pass_word ; ###################################################################### $arrFormValue["ProfileOrganizationName"] = $arrProfile["ProfileOrganizationName"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileFirstName"] = $arrProfile["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileLastName"] = $arrProfile["ProfileLastName"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileAddress1"] = $arrProfile["ProfileAddress1"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileAddress2"] = $arrProfile["ProfileAddress2"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileCity"] = $arrProfile["ProfileCity"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileStateProvince"] = $arrProfile["ProfileStateProvince"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfilePostalCode"] = $arrProfile["ProfilePostalCode"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileCountry"] = $arrProfile["ProfileCountry"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfilePhone"] = $arrProfile["ProfilePhone"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileFax"] = $arrProfile["ProfileFax"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmailAddress"] = $arrProfile["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; ###################################################################### $arrFormValue["RegisOrganizationName"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileOrganizationName"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisFirstName"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisLastName"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileLastName"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisAddress1"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileAddress1"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisAddress2"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileAddress2"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisCity"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileCity"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisStateProvince"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileStateProvince"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisPostalCode"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfilePostalCode"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisCountry"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileCountry"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisPhone"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfilePhone"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisFax"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileFax"] ; $arrFormValue["RegisEmailAddress"] = $arrRegistrant["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; ###################################################################### $arrFormValue["AdminOrganizationName"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileOrganizationName"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminFirstName"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminLastName"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileLastName"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminAddress1"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileAddress1"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminAddress2"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileAddress2"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminCity"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileCity"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminStateProvince"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileStateProvince"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminPostalCode"] = $arrAdmin["ProfilePostalCode"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminCountry"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileCountry"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminPhone"] = $arrAdmin["ProfilePhone"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminFax"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileFax"] ; $arrFormValue["AdminEmailAddress"] = $arrAdmin["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; ###################################################################### $arrFormValue["TechOrganizationName"] = $arrTech["ProfileOrganizationName"] ; $arrFormValue["TechFirstName"] = $arrTech["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["TechLastName"] = $arrTech["ProfileLastName"] ; $arrFormValue["TechAddress1"] = $arrTech["ProfileAddress1"] ; $arrFormValue["TechAddress2"] = $arrTech["ProfileAddress2"] ; $arrFormValue["TechCity"] = $arrTech["ProfileCity"] ; $arrFormValue["TechStateProvince"] = $arrTech["ProfileStateProvince"] ; $arrFormValue["TechPostalCode"] = $arrTech["ProfilePostalCode"] ; $arrFormValue["TechCountry"] = $arrTech["ProfileCountry"] ; $arrFormValue["TechPhone"] = $arrTech["ProfilePhone"] ; $arrFormValue["TechFax"] = $arrTech["ProfileFax"] ; $arrFormValue["TechEmailAddress"] = $arrTech["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; ###################################################################### $arrFormValue["AuxOrganizationName"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileOrganizationName"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxFirstName"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxLastName"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileLastName"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxAddress1"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileAddress1"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxAddress2"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileAddress2"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxCity"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileCity"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxStateProvince"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileStateProvince"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxPostalCode"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfilePostalCode"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxCountry"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileCountry"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxPhone"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfilePhone"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxFax"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileFax"] ; $arrFormValue["AuxEmailAddress"] = $arrAuxBilling["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; return $arrFormValue; } return false ; }//end function /******************************************************** * @function getValueMailNewOrder : gen arrFormValue คืนค่าเป็น array รายละเอียดของโดเมน * param : $arrOrderID : array order id * return : $arrFormValue : array ********************************************************/ function genValueModifyMail($arrDNS, $domainID) { global $cfg ,$cfg_h ,$objOrderManage,$_SESSION ,$function ; // $function = class.mydomain.php $strChildID=$_SESSION["sess_profile"]["UserID"] ; /*if($_SESSION["sess_profile"]["from_sysbase"]=="host2") { $conn = chooseConnectDB($cfg_h) ; } else { $conn = chooseConnectDB($cfg) ; } */ // var_dump($_SESSION["sess_profile"]["from_sysbase"]) ; //session_unregister("sess_profile") ; if(!empty($_SESSION["sess_profile"])) { if($_SESSION["sess_profile"]["from_sysbase"]=="host2") { $conn = chooseConnectDB($cfg_h) ; ##----------- Data DB Host2 ----------------## if(!empty($arrDNS) && !empty($domainID) ) { $arrFormValue["DNS1"] = $arrDNS[1] ; $arrFormValue["DNS2"] = $arrDNS[2] ; $arrFormValue["DNS3"] = $arrDNS[3] ; $arrFormValue["DNS4"] = $arrDNS[4] ; $sql = "SELECT * FROM tbl_orders ord , tbl_order_detail ordT ,tbl_member mem WHERE ord.order_ID=ordT.order_ID AND ord.member_ID=mem.member_ID AND ordT.order_detail_ID ='$domainID' "; $recordset = $conn->Execute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { $DomainID = $recordset->fields["order_detail_ID"] ; $Status = $recordset->fields["status_Order"] ; $VAT = $recordset->fields["need_Vat"] ; $Type = $recordset->fields["type_order"] ; $Date = $recordset->fields["Date"] ; $DomainName = $recordset->fields["product_detail"] ; $DomainPeriod = $recordset->fields["term_payment"] ; $DateStart = $recordset->fields["activate_Date"] ; $DateExpire = $recordset->fields["expire_Date"] ; $Password = $recordset->fields["panel_password"] ; $ProfileID = $recordset->fields["member_ID"] ; $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["member_Email"] ; //=======================================// $arrFormValue["EmailReseller"] = "Jotdomain.com" ; $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $DomainName; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["DateChange"] = date("F j,Y, h:i a") ;//January 5, 2004, 4:44 pm return $arrFormValue; } // end $RecordCount () }// end $recordset }//end $arrDNS } else { $conn = chooseConnectDB($cfg) ; ##----------- Data DB Jotdomain ----------------## if(!empty($arrDNS) && !empty($domainID) ) { $arrFormValue["DNS1"] = $arrDNS[1] ; $arrFormValue["DNS2"] = $arrDNS[2] ; $arrFormValue["DNS3"] = $arrDNS[3] ; $arrFormValue["DNS4"] = $arrDNS[4] ; $strTable = "cp_orders O , cp_domain D , cp_parentchild PC ,cp_profile P "; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $strTable WHERE (O.DomainID ='$domainID') AND (O.DomainID = D.DomainID) AND (O.parent_id = PC.parent_id) AND (PC.profile_id = P.ProfileID) GROUP BY OrderID "; $recordset = $conn->Execute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { $DomainID = $recordset->fields["DomainID"] ; $parent_id = $recordset->fields["parent_id"] ; $Status = $recordset->fields["Status"] ; $VAT = $recordset->fields["VAT"] ; $Type = $recordset->fields["Type"] ; $Date = $recordset->fields["Date"] ; $DomainName = $recordset->fields["DomainName"] ; $DomainPeriod = $recordset->fields["DomainPeriod"] ; $DateStart = $recordset->fields["DateStart"] ; $DateExpire = $recordset->fields["DateExpire"] ; $RegistrantID = $recordset->fields["RegistrantID"] ; $AdminID = $recordset->fields["AdminID"] ; $TechID = $recordset->fields["TechID"] ; $AuxBillingID = $recordset->fields["AuxBillingID"] ; $DNSID = $recordset->fields["DNSID"] ; $Password = $recordset->fields["Password"] ; $DomainPeriod = $recordset->fields["DomainPeriod"] ; $ProfileID = $recordset->fields["ProfileID"] ; $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; } } //======== add by pui 21/07/2004============// if($strChildID=="0") { $strChildID="1" ; } $sqlSelect="SELECT * FROM cp_parentchild pr INNER JOIN cp_profile p ON pr.profile_id=p.ProfileID WHERE pr.user_id='$strChildID' " ; $arrPerApprove = getRow($sqlSelect) ; $arrFormValue["EmailReseller"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; //=======================================// $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $DomainName; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["DateChange"] = date("F j,Y, h:i a") ;//January 5, 2004, 4:44 pm return $arrFormValue; } } } else { mail("pui@hostpacific.com","Empty session modify DNS" ,"empty session value==>$domainID
".$_SESSION["sess_profile"]["from_sysbase"],"From:JotDomain system") ; return false ; } return false ; }//end function /******************************************************** * @function getValueMailNewOrder : gen arrFormValue คืนค่าเป็น array รายละเอียดของโดเมน * param : $arrOrderID : array order id * return : $arrFormValue : array ********************************************************/ function genValueRedirectMail($Address, $domainID) { global $conn ,$cfg ,$objOrderManage ; if(!empty($Address) && !empty($domainID) ) { $strTable = "cp_orders O , cp_domain D , cp_parentchild PC ,cp_profile P "; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $strTable WHERE (O.DomainID ='$domainID') AND (O.DomainID = D.DomainID) AND (O.parent_id = PC.parent_id) AND (PC.profile_id = P.ProfileID) GROUP BY OrderID "; $recordset = $conn->Execute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { $DomainID = $recordset->fields["DomainID"] ; $parent_id = $recordset->fields["parent_id"] ; $Status = $recordset->fields["Status"] ; $VAT = $recordset->fields["VAT"] ; $Type = $recordset->fields["Type"] ; $Date = $recordset->fields["Date"] ; $DomainName = $recordset->fields["DomainName"] ; $DomainPeriod = $recordset->fields["DomainPeriod"] ; $DateStart = $recordset->fields["DateStart"] ; $DateExpire = $recordset->fields["DateExpire"] ; $RegistrantID = $recordset->fields["RegistrantID"] ; $AdminID = $recordset->fields["AdminID"] ; $TechID = $recordset->fields["TechID"] ; $AuxBillingID = $recordset->fields["AuxBillingID"] ; $DNSID = $recordset->fields["DNSID"] ; $Password = $recordset->fields["Password"] ; $DomainPeriod = $recordset->fields["DomainPeriod"] ; $ProfileID = $recordset->fields["ProfileID"] ; $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; } } $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $DomainName; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["redirectURL"] = $Address ; $arrFormValue["DateChange"] = date("F j,Y, h:i a") ;//January 5, 2004, 4:44 pm return $arrFormValue; } return false ; }//end function /******************************************************** * @function getValueForgetPwd : gen arrFormValue คืนค่าเป็น array รายละเอียดของโดเมน * param : $userName : username เป็น domain หรือ accountname * param : $typeUser : username เป็น domain หรือ user * return : $arrFormValue : array ********************************************************/ function genValueForgetPwd($userName, $typeUser) { global $conn ,$cfg ,$objOrderManage ; if(!empty($userName) && !empty($typeUser) ) { if($typeUser == "domain") { $sql = "SELECT * FROM cp_domain dm , cp_orders od, cp_parentchild pr , cp_user u , cp_profile po WHERE (dm.DomainName='$userName') AND (dm.DomainID = od.DomainID) AND (od.Status = 'success') AND (od.parent_id = pr.parent_id) AND (pr.user_id = u.user_id) AND (pr.profile_id = po.ProfileID) GROUP BY pr.profile_id"; } else { $sql = "SELECT * FROM cp_user u , cp_parentchild pr ,cp_profile po WHERE (user_name='$userName') AND (pr.user_id = u.user_id) AND (pr.profile_id = po.ProfileID) GROUP BY pr.profile_id" ; } $recordset = $conn->Execute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { if($typeUser == "domain") { $Password = $recordset->fields["Password"] ; } else { $Password = $recordset->fields["pass_word"] ; } $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; $UserID = $recordset->fields["user_id"] ; $childID = $recordset->fields["child_id"] ; } else { return false ; } } $arrFormValue["UserID"] = $UserID ; $arrFormValue["childID"] = $childID ; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["DateChange"] = date("F j,Y, h:i a") ;//January 5, 2004, 4:44 pm if($typeUser == "domain") { $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $userName ; $arrFormValue["pwdDomain"] = $Password ; } else { $arrFormValue["userName"] = $userName ; $arrFormValue["pwdAccount"] = $Password ; } return $arrFormValue; } return false ; }//end function //==============================================================// function sendMailTransfer($status, $orderID) { global $objMailTemplate ,$cfg ; if($status =="success") { $intTemplateID = $cfg["template"]["transfer_success"]; } elseif($status =="error") { $intTemplateID = $cfg["template"]["transfer_error"]; } $arrTemplate = $objMailTemplate->getMailTemplate($intTemplateID,$ResellerID) ; $arrOrder_id[] = $orderID ; // set array value replace email // $arrFormValue = getValueMailNewOrder($arrOrder_id) ; // send email // createEmailReadySend($arrTemplate,$arrFormValue) ; }//end function //=============================================================// function getValueMailAlertDue($strOrderID) { global $conn ,$cfg ,$objOrderManage,$_SESSION ; $strChildID=$_SESSION["sess_profile"]["UserID"] ; if(!empty($strOrderID)) { //$intOrderID = $arrOrderID[$i] ; $strTable = "cp_orders O , cp_domain D , cp_parentchild PC ,cp_profile P , cp_user U "; $sql = "SELECT * FROM $strTable WHERE (O.OrderID='$strOrderID') AND (O.DomainID = D.DomainID) AND (O.parent_id = PC.parent_id) AND (PC.profile_id = P.ProfileID) AND (PC.user_id = U.user_id) GROUP BY OrderID " ; //echo "$sql

" ; $recordset = $conn->Execute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { $DomainID[$i] = $recordset->fields["DomainID"] ; $parent_id = $recordset->fields["parent_id"] ; $child_id = $recordset->fields["child_id"] ; $Status = $recordset->fields["Status"] ; $VAT = $recordset->fields["VAT"] ; $Type = $recordset->fields["Type"] ; $Date = $recordset->fields["Date"] ; $DomainName = $recordset->fields["DomainName"] ; $DomainPeriod = "1" ; $DateStart = $recordset->fields["DateStart"] ; $DateExpire = $recordset->fields["DateExpire"] ; $Password = $recordset->fields["Password"] ; $RegistrantID = $recordset->fields["RegistrantID"] ; $AdminID = $recordset->fields["AdminID"] ; $TechID = $recordset->fields["TechID"] ; $AuxBillingID = $recordset->fields["AuxBillingID"] ; $DNSID = $recordset->fields["DNSID"] ; $ProfileID = $recordset->fields["ProfileID"] ; $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; $user_name = $recordset->fields["user_name"] ; $pass_word = $recordset->fields["pass_word"] ; // ============== check ว่า domain นี้คิด vat หรือไม่ =================// ## กรณีเป็น addsdomain.com คิด vat ทุกโดเมน ## $priceSum = "495" ; if($VAT == "yes") { $priceTotal = $priceSum * (($cfg["VAT"]/100)+1) ; $strVAT = "รวม VAT ". $cfg["VAT"] ."% แล้ว" ; } else { if($child_id==6) { $priceTotal = $priceSum * (($cfg["VAT"]/100)+1) ; $strVAT = "รวม VAT ". $cfg["VAT"] ."% แล้ว" ; } else { $priceTotal = $priceSum ; $strVAT = "ไม่เอา VAT " ; } } //============================================================// //======== add by pui 21/07/2004============// if (($strChildID=="0") || ($strChildID=="")) { $strChildID="1" ; } //=======================================// $sqlSelect="SELECT * FROM cp_parentchild pr INNER JOIN cp_profile p ON pr.profile_id=p.ProfileID WHERE pr.user_id='$strChildID' " ; $arrPerApprove = getRow($sqlSelect) ; $arrFormValue["FirstNameApprove"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["EmailReseller"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; //=======================================// $arrFormValue["child_id"] = $child_id ; $arrFormValue["PriceTotal"] = number_format($priceTotal,2) ; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $DomainName ; $arrFormValue["VAT"] = $strVAT ; //var_dump($arrFormValue) ; return $arrFormValue; }// end record count }// end record } // end empty($strOrderID) return false ; }//end function //=======================================================// /*function getValueMailAlertDue_OLD($arrOrderID) { global $conn ,$cfg ,$objOrderManage,$_SESSION ; $strChildID=$_SESSION["sess_profile"]["UserID"] ; if(!empty($arrOrderID)) { for($i=0;$iExecute("$sql") ; if($recordset) { if($recordset->RecordCount () >0) { $DomainID[$i] = $recordset->fields["DomainID"] ; $parent_id = $recordset->fields["parent_id"] ; $Status = $recordset->fields["Status"] ; $VAT = $recordset->fields["VAT"] ; $Type = $recordset->fields["Type"] ; $Date = $recordset->fields["Date"] ; $DomainName[$i] = $recordset->fields["DomainName"] ; $DomainPeriod[$i] = "1" ; $DateStart = $recordset->fields["DateStart"] ; $DateExpire = $recordset->fields["DateExpire"] ; $Password = $recordset->fields["Password"] ; $RegistrantID = $recordset->fields["RegistrantID"] ; $AdminID = $recordset->fields["AdminID"] ; $TechID = $recordset->fields["TechID"] ; $AuxBillingID = $recordset->fields["AuxBillingID"] ; $DNSID = $recordset->fields["DNSID"] ; $ProfileID = $recordset->fields["ProfileID"] ; $ProfileEmailAddress = $recordset->fields["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; $user_name = $recordset->fields["user_name"] ; $pass_word = $recordset->fields["pass_word"] ; }else { return false ; } }else { return false ; } }//end for //======== add by pui 21/07/2004============// if (($strChildID=="0") || ($strChildID=="")) { $strChildID="1" ; } $sqlSelect="SELECT * FROM cp_parentchild pr INNER JOIN cp_profile p ON pr.profile_id=p.ProfileID WHERE pr.user_id='$strChildID' " ; $arrPerApprove = getRow($sqlSelect) ; $arrFormValue["FirstNameApprove"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["EmailReseller"]=$arrPerApprove["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; //=======================================// $strList = ""; //echo count($DomainName) ; for($j=0; $jSelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$ProfileID' AND profile_type='Profile' ") ; $arrProfile = getRow( $strSQLProfile) ; $strSQLRegistrant = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$RegistrantID' AND profile_type='Registrant' ") ; $arrRegistrant = getRow( $strSQLRegistrant) ;// function getrow in file inc.global.php $strSQLAdmin = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$AdminID' AND profile_type='Admin' ") ; $arrAdmin=getRow( $strSQLAdmin) ; $strSQLTech = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table,"ProfileID = '$TechID' AND profile_type='Tech' ") ; $arrTech=getRow( $strSQLTech) ; $strSQLAuxBilling = $objOrderManage->SelectDataProfile($table," ProfileID = '$AuxBillingID' AND profile_type='AuxBilling' ") ; $arrAuxBilling =getRow( $strSQLAuxBilling) ; $arrFormValue["ListDetailOrder"] = "$strList" ; $arrFormValue["PriceTotal"] = num_format($priceTotal) ; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmail"] = $ProfileEmailAddress ; $arrFormValue["domainname"] = $strDomainName ; $arrFormValue["VAT"] = $strVAT ; ###################################################################### $arrFormValue["ProfileOrganizationName"] = $arrProfile["ProfileOrganizationName"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileFirstName"] = $arrProfile["ProfileFirstName"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileLastName"] = $arrProfile["ProfileLastName"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileAddress1"] = $arrProfile["ProfileAddress1"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileAddress2"] = $arrProfile["ProfileAddress2"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileCity"] = $arrProfile["ProfileCity"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileStateProvince"] = $arrProfile["ProfileStateProvince"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfilePostalCode"] = $arrProfile["ProfilePostalCode"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileCountry"] = $arrProfile["ProfileCountry"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfilePhone"] = $arrProfile["ProfilePhone"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileFax"] = $arrProfile["ProfileFax"] ; $arrFormValue["ProfileEmailAddress"] = $arrProfile["ProfileEmailAddress"] ; return $arrFormValue; } return false ; }//end function */ //=============================================================// function EncodeHeader ($str, $position = 'text') { $x = 0; switch (strtolower($position)) { case 'phrase': if (!preg_match('/[\200-\377]/', $str)) { // Can't use addslashes as we don't know what value has magic_quotes_sybase. $encoded = addcslashes($str, "\0..\37\177\\\""); if (($str == $encoded) && !preg_match('/[^A-Za-z0-9!#$%&\'*+\/=?^_`{|}~ -]/', $str)) return ($encoded); else return ("\"$encoded\""); } $x = preg_match_all('/[^\040\041\043-\133\135-\176]/', $str, $matches); break; case 'comment': $x = preg_match_all('/[()"]/', $str, $matches); // Fall-through case 'text': default: $x += preg_match_all('/[\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\177-\377]/', $str, $matches); break; } if ($x == 0) return ($str); $maxlen = 75 - 7 - strlen("TIS-620"); // Try to select the encoding which should produce the shortest output if (strlen($str)/3 < $x) { $encoding = 'B'; $encoded = base64_encode($str); $maxlen -= $maxlen % 4; $encoded = trim(chunk_split($encoded, $maxlen, "\n")); } else { $encoding = 'Q'; $encoded = EncodeQ($str, $position); $encoded = WrapText($encoded, $maxlen, true); $encoded = str_replace("="."\n", "\n", trim($encoded)); } $encoded = preg_replace('/^(.*)$/m', " =?"."TIS-620"."?$encoding?\\1?=", $encoded); $encoded = trim(str_replace("\n", "\n", $encoded)); return $encoded; } //=============================================================// function EncodeQP ($str) { $encoded = FixEOL($str); if (substr($encoded, -(strlen("\n"))) != "\n") $encoded .= "\n"; // Replace every high ascii, control and = characters $encoded = preg_replace('/([\000-\010\013\014\016-\037\075\177-\377])/e', "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1'))", $encoded); // Replace every spaces and tabs when it's the last character on a line $encoded = preg_replace("/([\011\040])"."\n"."/e", "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1')).'"."\n"."'", $encoded); // Maximum line length of 76 characters before CRLF (74 + space + '=') $encoded = WrapText($encoded, 74, true); return $encoded; } //=============================================================// function FixEOL($str) { $str = str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $str); $str = str_replace("\r", "\n", $str); $str = str_replace("\n", "\n", $str); return $str; } //=============================================================// function WrapText($message, $length, $qp_mode = false) { $soft_break = ($qp_mode) ? sprintf(" =%s", "\n") : "\n"; $message = FixEOL($message); if (substr($message, -1) == "\n") $message = substr($message, 0, -1); $line = explode("\n", $message); $message = ""; for ($i=0 ;$i < count($line); $i++) { $line_part = explode(" ", $line[$i]); $buf = ""; for ($e = 0; $e $length)) { $space_left = $length - strlen($buf) - 1; if ($e != 0) { if ($space_left > 20) { $len = $space_left; if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=") $len--; elseif (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=") $len -= 2; $part = substr($word, 0, $len); $word = substr($word, $len); $buf .= " " . $part; $message .= $buf . sprintf("=%s", "\n"); } else { $message .= $buf . $soft_break; } $buf = ""; } while (strlen($word) > 0) { $len = $length; if (substr($word, $len - 1, 1) == "=") $len--; elseif (substr($word, $len - 2, 1) == "=") $len -= 2; $part = substr($word, 0, $len); $word = substr($word, $len); if (strlen($word) > 0) $message .= $part . sprintf("=%s", "\n"); else $buf = $part; } } else { $buf_o = $buf; $buf .= ($e == 0) ? $word : (" " . $word); if (strlen($buf) > $length and $buf_o != "") { $message .= $buf_o . $soft_break; $buf = $word; } } } $message .= $buf . "\n"; } return $message; } //=============================================================// function EncodeQ ($str, $position = "text") { // There should not be any EOL in the string $encoded = preg_replace("[\r\n]", "", $str); switch (strtolower($position)) { case "phrase": $encoded = preg_replace("/([^A-Za-z0-9!*+\/ -])/e", "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1'))", $encoded); break; case "comment": $encoded = preg_replace("/([\(\)\"])/e", "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1'))", $encoded); case "text": default: // Replace every high ascii, control =, ? and _ characters $encoded = preg_replace('/([\000-\011\013\014\016-\037\075\077\137\177-\377])/e', "'='.sprintf('%02X', ord('\\1'))", $encoded); break; } // Replace every spaces to _ (more readable than =20) $encoded = str_replace(" ", "_", $encoded); return $encoded; } //============================================ ?>